Monday, 4 December 2017


First of all the picture has nothing to do with the story.
So this is a bit of a weird post compared to my other ones! This one is about my health! I have a thyroid problem which is very common and most people have it and don't even know! You can either have Under-active Thyroid (this makes you put on weight) or Over-active Thyroid (this makes you loose weight). This is my story, with my thyroid!

How I found out I had a thyroid problem;
So when I was 17/18 I was a stressy ass girl! I was so temperamental, emotional and constantly tired!! I literally had no energy what so ever, which was really weird because Ive always been so energetic! It got to a point where I couldn't get out of bed, I wasn't being a drama queen or lazy, but I physically couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't go through the day without having 5 naps! I would argue with everyone, cry at ANYTHING (okay that part hasn't changed much I still cry at anything, Im writing this watching super vet and I'm crying) I just wasn't myself and I didn't know why! My mum decided to take me to the doctors for some blood tests to see what the fuck was wrong with me (not her words) Off to the doctors we went for my very first blood test! I am petrified of needles and even the thought of getting my blood taken makes me cringe so much,  you know when your fingers go funny and you can't touch anything, thats what I get like! Next thing, my bloods are done really and I nearly fainted but the main thing was my bloods were done! And I have a thyroid problem.

The mix up;
So when I got diagnosed with thyroid, somehow somewhere something went wrong, I got diagnosed with over-active thyroid. The proof was there.. I had lost ALOT of weight. That was all they really told me. WRONG! I have under-active thyroid!! I should put on weight! Here's the thing, with thyroid it is a glad in the neck just in front of your windpipe and it basically controls you. It controls your hormones, and wow it controlled mine! I was a mess! I was in a circle that needed to break, my thyroid made me so depressed that I had no appetite I couldn't eat but because I wasn't eating I had no energy, because I had no energy I wouldn't leave my bed, because I wouldn't leave my bed it was making me depressed and so on and so on. This is how I lost so much weight and how the doctors come to the conclusion I had over active thyroid! But they were so wrong!

The Symptoms;
There are soooooooooo many symptoms to thyroid and ones that I am still discovering now! There are ones that I went through and that I am still going through!! Tiredness is one of the main symptoms for thyroid, weight gain and weight loss, dry itchy skin, migraines and headaches, hair loss and hair thinning, pins and needles, feeling cold all the time,  honestly these aren't even a fifth of the symptoms! I have suffered with a lot of these, and I never even knew half of them were a symptom! I used to go mad at my mum because I thought she had changed the washing powder because my skin was on fire, little did I know that was my thyroid! You can even loose your sex drive! It fucked me up! Panic attacks, nervousness, poor concentration, phobias, personality change, mood swings, easily upset, nightmares, lack of confidence! These are all symptoms! I'm was going through the list of all the symptoms like yes, yep that's me, yep got that, oh deff got that one, that's me, me again, definitely me!

I am the coldest person in the world, now I have an explanation to it. I get so upset so easily, I wish I was a strong person but I'm not and I get why now! I have meltdowns which seems like every week I swear! I feel bad because my boyfriend comes back from work after a 10 hour day of building to me at home in bed napping like meehhh I'm so tired and I've not even done anything, but it all makes sense now! Im on 175mg of Levothyroxine and I get a blood test every 6 weeks because my thyroid is so up and down all the time! Its something that I will have for the rest of my life but it is something that can be controlled!! 

This post was kind of to let everyone know more about this and if you have symptoms to get a blood test! It is so common and it runs in the family too! Its nothing to be scared of it's so controllable! I honestly used to feel like I was going mental!! I felt like I was going insane, I had voices in my head, I couldn't see straight, I was like next level!! But now, I mean yea I have my melt downs but I'm good! Im okay! 

The whole reason why I started my blog was to give people my advice and opinions and to talk about things that people can relate too! Not everyone can relate to this post, but some will and even if you have a friend, family member or partner who has a thyroid problem you can get some kind of insight to how they feel! So if they are freezing in bed, don't be selfish. Don't leave all the bedroom windows open all night. Like my boyfriend...

 hope you enjoyed this post! Love Lacey xx



  1. Thank you so much for writing this. I was 13 when I was diagnosed and it has been a constant battle and it will continue to be. More awareness is needed!! Kayley xx

  2. I have also struggled massively and another thing that can help is the chiropractor as if you have bad posture or anything like that you can squish your thyroid which hinders its abilities to work properly!

  3. Yep! Runs in the family! Sorry about that! �� Very proud of you for highlighting this problem of ours! Love you xx

  4. Rebecca Fearnley5 December 2017 at 15:12

    I was diagnosed at 16 and I was exactly the same!!! I’m still a right emotional little lady but it’s normallll... and that’s okay. More awareness is needed.... great post!! Becky xo


  5. تسليك مجاري بالخبر
    تعتبر مشكلة انسداد المجارى من أكثر المشاكل المزعجة التي تواجهنا في حياتنا اليومية، ونسعى جاهدين لتجنب حدوث مثل تلك المشاكل، لما تسببه من أمراض خبيثة وروائح كريهة ولا سيما الحشرات المزعجة والتي تتكاثر وبشدة حين وجود مشكلة انسداد المجاري.
    وهنا سوف تجد الحل الأمثل فنحن شركة تسليك مجارى بالخبر من أولى الشركات التي تعمل في مجال تسليك المجاري، حيث تمتلك الشركة خبرة سنوات عديدة، جعلتها دوماً في الصفوف الأولى للشركات العالمية والتي تعمل في نفس المجال، لا سيما المميزات الأخرى مثل فريق العمل الخاص بالشركة والذي تم تدريبه على كيفية التعامل مع الآلات والتقنيات الحديثة التي تمتلكها الشركة للقيام بتسليم المجاري، وكيفية العمل تحت أي ظرف يواجههم.


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